A co-operative (“co-op”) is a business owned and controlled by the people who use its services.

Co-ops are different from profit-driven, investor-owned businesses. Co-ops are founded on the idea that people know what’s best for them. Through cooperation, people work together to meet their common interests. Co-ops empower individuals, and encourage healthier and stronger communities by pooling resources and sharing risks.

Co-operatives provide support and community.  It is a place where parents can feel accepted, where they can observe their child, and where they can be both play partners and participants in their child’s education.  Oak Park works together with a co-operative Parent Board to maximize the potential of children is the center.  It is a symbiotic relationship that enhances our understanding of the children.Parent participation is crucial in maintaining a co-op status as active participation allows for lower childcare fees and having a voice in your child’s education.
